
Government Contract

By creating virtual tours and walkthroughs visitors from all over the nation can visit government sites. Tours are enhanced by embedding content including links, images, PDF maps and files to download, video and more. We create an immersive user experience that allows the tour to educate and even train or prepare the user for a visit. Helping the user to be spatially aware of the location they intend to visit, reducing in person contact and allowing the user to feel comfortable during their in person visit. High resolution images can capture immense detail in 360 degree panoramas, these better represent historic monuments and structures as well as capturing cultural and natural sites with greater detail. 

JW Photography is committed to capturing accurate representations of traditional photography and 360 photography and virtual tour to capture conditions of cultural and historic sites, monuments, public buildings, schools & universities, and government buildings and hospitals. Certified EDWOSB and registered and active on Sam.gov.

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